Breakfast! They say it's the most important meal of the day, and research shows that most of us agree with that statement. And yet, according to John's Hopkins, "more than half of us do not eat breakfast every day."
Why is that? Mornings can be chaotic – trying to get the kids ready for school, not to mention getting yourself out the door. Perhaps you didn't have a chance to get to the grocery store, and your cupboards are bare. Or maybe you just aren't hungry in the morning. Or… perhaps you're trying to lose weight by cutting calories, and skipping breakfast is the easiest way to do that (more on that later).
So, you may ask yourself, what's the big deal? Is breakfast really that important? The simple answer is an unequivocal YES! There is a ton of scientific evidence that shows that breakfast plays a crucial role in good health.
When you eat breakfast, you are breaking your fast. When you wake up in the morning, you probably haven't eaten – or you've fasted - for the past ten to twelve hours. Eating breakfast jumpstarts your metabolism for the day, replenishes your body's supply of glucose (which boosts energy levels and alertness), and provides essential nutrients for healthy living.
Can Skipping Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?
Eating a good breakfast also tells your body that there are plenty of calories available. However, if you skip breakfast, your body will think it needs to conserve – rather than burn – the calories that you consume throughout the day. Studies show that skipping breakfast can actually put you at a higher risk of weight gain and obesity.
"Studies have found that although people who skip breakfast eat slightly fewer calories during the day, they tend to have higher body mass index or BMI," says Christy C. Tangney, Ph.D., a clinical dietitian at Rush University Medical Center.
Furthermore, skipping breakfast can make you feel tired, drained, and not completely with it, making exercise or a workout more challenging. So please don't think of skipping breakfast as a way to lose weight.
Skipping breakfast has also been linked to a higher risk of heart health issues, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.
Potential Benefits of Eating Breakfast
Studies and research have shown many benefits to eating a healthy breakfast:
- Helps you make better food choices throughout the rest of the day.
- People who regularly eat breakfast tend to consume less fat throughout the day.
- Boosts Brain Power, improving memory, alertness, concentration, problem-solving ability, and mood.
- Prevents large fluctuations in your blood glucose levels, which helps control your appetite.
- Helps keep you from grabbing whatever food – healthy or not – when hunger strikes.
- Reduces the risk of heart disease.
- Improves digestion and metabolism.
- Creates stronger bones.
- Increases energy levels.
- Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes
And of course, eating breakfast can help control your weight.
How to Fit Breakfast Into Your Day
Some of the most common challenges in fitting a healthy breakfast into your day include lack of time, being too tired, not feeling hungry, being bored with breakfast foods, etc. However, most of those challenges can be overcome with My Neat Health's meal replacement bars, meal replacement shakes, and high protein breakfasts, such as pancakes, apple & cinnamon oatmeal, crunchy cinnamon crisp with fiber, and more.
All of our products taste great, are quick and easy to prepare, and are formulated by health experts and medical professionals specifically for weight loss and weight management. We will ship them right to your door, so there's no need to find time to run to the grocery store. And, as always, talk to a healthcare professional before starting any diet or exercise program.